Sunday Worship - 10:00 - 11:30

Our first service on Sunday mornings at St Michael’s follows the traditional pattern in its style with more hymns and spoken liturgy than at our contemporary services later in the day. We gather in the church building at 10.00am.

Morning Praise and Worship & Prayers

We start off our service in praise and worship being lead by one of our praise and worship leaders and choir which is then followed by prayers lead by our vicar.


After about 20 minutes, Children under 12 will be taken to our Searchlights and Sparkles Sunday School program and will return to the main worship to partake in the Eucharist. 

Sermon & Prayers


We are then given a sermon from our LLM team which is then followed by prayers from our congergation. 

Eucharist & Closing


We then prepare for the eucharist, during this time all children will be returned to the main service and the hymns will be playing from our music team. There will also be opportunities for anyone to receive prayer, for themselves or any other concerns. The 10.00am service is usually finished shortly before 12 midday, and we share tea, coffee, squash, biscuits and conversation afterwards..

JUNIOR CHURCH & creche area

Sunday Club is church for children.  It’s much more fun, active, energetic and creative than most of the things grown-ups do in church.  If your children aged between 0 and 11 years old, at our 10.00am service, different activity groups are provided for everyone who is primary school age or younger.

All Age Service

Here at St Michael's and All Angels believes passionately that we as Christians not only have something precious to share with our children, but also that children have so much that they can teach us about the love of God, faith in Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit.
