
Here at St Michael's church, we are responsible  for raising funds for the mission of the Church. Some of our stewardship is offered through our time, talents and responsibility – while part of our stewardship will be a financial offering.

We would like to remind you of the importance of the Gift Aid scheme. This will take your tithe to our church much further in our mission.

How you give regularly to our Church can make a big difference. The most efficient way to give is by monthly Standing Order. It enables us to plan our budget effectively knowing what money is coming in each month.
It is also tax efficient as we can keep track of the Gift Aid money we can reclaim from the Government at no extra cost to you. We are inviting you to give regularly to your church in this way. It has advantages for you as well—in that you will know you are supporting the ministry here even if you don’t make it to Church every week.

Gift Aid



To set up or increase a standing order, or to make a one-off donation, please use the bank details below. This is the most efficient way to give as we don’t lose a penny to transaction companies.

Standing Order

To set up or increase a standing order, or to make a one-off donation, please download the form by clicking the image on the left and signing it. This is the most efficient way to give as we don’t lose a penny to transaction companies.